The Versatile Cricket Mag Blogger Template is the best sports blogger template especially for Cricket fans and lovers. Probably the best sport magazine theme if you are looking to put up an original sport magazine portable. It comes up with lots of custom style widgets that go great with the template. It is Ad friendly, and there are many featured advertisement spots to make your sponsors dance to their boots. On the top of that, there are many other significant features that would make you say "Wow".
Features of Cricket Mag Blogger Template:
Static Homepage: The Home page of this theme is static. Thus, the Slider and few more gadgets would only appear on the homepage so it may not interest the user-friendly experience of your visitors. There are many features stops for advertisements, features posts and etc.
Best for a sport website: This has the best sport Blogger template. It comes with a load of dynamic gadgets including featured home page, featured content and advertisement spots.
Custom header design: To immerse your users. Cricket Mag Comes up with a built in custom header design. We have crafted it for every major aspect so that you name it and he go it.
Highly SEO Friendly: It is not just an SEO Friendly theme because it is highly optimized for Search engines. Unlike our other themes, we have integrated some advance techniques that would surely bring some more traffic to your website.
Multi-Level Drop Down Menu: The most noteworthy aspect of this template is its multi-level Drop down menu that works quite intensely. The jQuery used to create the drop down effect is tremendously modest and hardly takes seconds to load.
Featured Ads Spot: we have always experimented while allocating the featured advertisement spots but this time we have selected the most appropriate locations. We did a research work over the areas which are highly viewed by users. As a result, the theme spots were decided.
More Features: Magazine Style, geenish scheme, threaded commenting system, 2 column template, static sidebar and much more.
We hope this much awaited template would certainly help a lot of sports bloggers in renovating their blog with awesomeness. The speed and the performance it is quite brilliant and the plus point is that it is cross browser supported. Let us know, what you think about this theme by commenting your reviews below.